Duane DeSoto

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School: Saint Louis High School

Career: Founder of Nā Kama Kai


At 16 years old, Mākaha boy Duane DeSoto traveled alone to Europe to compete in a professional surfing competition. He soon found himself in unfamiliar waters, surrounded by strangers & outside his comfort zone. He realized how blessed he was to have a community back home with all his aunties and uncles taking care of him at Mākaha Beach.

Fast forward to today, Duane is paying it forward through Nā Kama Kai, a non-profit dedicated to connecting & educating keiki to care for the ocean.

At first people doubted Duane’s vision; they looked at him as just a surfer incapable of running a business. He had no idea about 501C3s, insurance or the required permits to start a non-profit. Rather than doubting his capabilities, Duane took the obstacles as learning lessons needed to move toward his goal.


Q + A with Duane DeSoto

+ What is the best piece of advice you've ever received?

From my dad - he taught me kūlia i ka nuʻu - that there is only one way to compete (in surfing, but in all things) - with excellence and at your highest level. To perform at your highest level, you need to know that are the champion, you are the best, and you will win. I think about this when I paddle out when I'm free surfing, when I'm surfing in contest, and in other parts of my life when I face something challenging.

+ What makes you wake up in the morning and say, "I'm glad to be doing what I'm doing?

Nā Kama Kai is like an infant. Each morning, I wake up and instantly wonder how can I nurture it to grow and mature to be what community needs it to be.


Daniel Ito


Jack Soren